Corpus luteum
Corpus luteum is temporary endocrine gland, functioning for few days in non pregnant cyclic animal and few months in pregnant animals
The life span of corpus luteum varies with species depends primarily upon the fate of embryo.
Following ovulation, enough hemorrhage into follicular cavity from broken thecal vessels. It act as stopper sealing the residual cavity after discharge of oocyte
The blood filled follicle devoid of oocyte is called as ‘corpus haemorrhgium’
The blood clot serve as physical frame work and a nutritive medium for quick proliferate of granulosa cells. The intact vessel and connective tissue cells from the surrounding theca begins to proliferate
Granulosa layer folding towards the central portion of the residual cavity. Granulosa cells differentiated into luteal cells under the influence of LH and become corpus luteum.
The corpus luteum is one of the most vascular organs of the body. If animals are non – pregnant it is corpus luteum spurium and is destined to regress. If animal is pregnant, it is corpus luteum verum and corpus luteum is continues to function.
Following implantation of blastocyst, the corpus luteum undergoes extensive enlargement and continues synthesis and secrete hormone.
If fertilization does not occur, the CL regresses allowing other follicles to mature.
Regression of corpus luteum starts (Days from ovulation)
Cow – 14 – 15
Ewe – 12 – 14
The regression changes are
Microscopic – Cytoplasmic Vacule
Pyknotic nuclei
Degeneration of capillaries
Gradual replacement of luteal cells by fibroblasts
Macroscopic – The whole organ decreased in size suddenly within short interval
The degenerating a vascular non functional corpus luteum is corpus albicans. For several additional estrus cycle, a visible connective tissue scar remains on the ovary.
The corpora lutea of non – pregnant bitches and Queen continue to function approximately same length of time as for the pregnant animal.
The color of corpus luteum of cow and mare is intense than other species, due to lipochrome pigment- lutein. The ewe and sow are devoid of this pigment. Hence lighter color.
Natural luteolytic substance - PGF2α is secreted by myometrial tissue
Ovarian artery and utero ovarian vein are intertwined and in close apposition. This vascular arrangement favors diffusion of PGF2α into ovarian arterial blood.
Constriction of blood vessels supplying luteal cells causing ischemia and starvation of luteal cells
Competition with LH for receptor site
Destruction of LH receptor site
LH is necessary for luteotropic effect and for progesterone secretion which increases as CL matures.
LH is luteotropic in ruminants and horse
Prolactin is luteotropic in rat
In canines both LH and PRL are luteotropic
In rabbits and pigs oestrogen is luteotropic
Corpus luteum and pregnancy
Progesterone increase resting membrane potential of myometrial cell
Progesterone is serve as immediate precursor to other steroids that also necessary during pregnancy.
Picture showing corpus luteum on the ovary (Courtesy: Dr.S.Selvaraju, Scientist, NIANP, Bangalore)
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 5:45 AM