- Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) also called as southern pea and black eyed pea belongs to family leguminosae.
- Less attention has been given to the vegetable cowpea. It is a nutritious leguminous crop low in anti-nutritional factors.
- It has a wide range of ecological adaptations and can be grown more widely.
- In fact, it probably has the greatest potential among all food legumes in the semi-arid to sub-humid tropical areas.
- The typical vegetable cowpea is characterized by a long pod (>30 cm), stringless pods, fleshy pod pericarp, thin and long seeds and higher monosaccharide: polysaccharide ratio. Pole and bushy types are available in vegetable cowpea.
- Africa is considered as the primary centre of origin of 170 species of genus Vigna, 22 are found in India.
- The crop spread from Africa to Asia and Europe through Egypt. Now cowpea is widely distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics.
Floral biology
- The flower opens early in the morning, closes before noon and falls down on the same day.
- The extra floral nectarines at the base of the corolla attract ants, flies and bees but a heavy insect is required to depress the wing petal and expose the stamen and stigma.
- Cowpea flower bloom between 6.30 and 7.00 a.m.
- The process of opening of corolla takes 45-60 minutes.
- Anther matures and starts dehiscing about 78 hours before the time of opening corolla.
- Pollen remains viable for 42 hours at room temperature and relative humidity 91%. Stigma becomes receptive from 12 hours before blooming to 6 hours after blooming.
Breeding goals
- High green pod yield (vegetable type varieties)
- High seed yield (dry-seed type varieties)
- High fodder yield (fodder type varieties)
- Dual purpose (seed and vegetable type and seed and fodder type)
- Earliness
- Appropriate plant type (erect, determinate for vegetable and seed type cultivars and spreading for fodder type cultivars)
- Wider adaptability
- Photo-insensitive
- Short tender pods for whole pod processing
- Long tender and stringless pods for fresh consumption
- Varieties suitable for inter cropping
- Resistance to disease
- Resistance to insects
- Better seed quality
- It is true diploid with 2n=22. Sen and Bhowal (1960) made cytotaxonomic studies on Vigna sinensis (L.) Savi, V. catjang (Bur.M) Waqlp. and V. sesquipedalis (L.) Fruw, popularly known as cowpea, catjang bean and asparagus bean.
- The three cultivated species could be easily crossed among themselves. The hybrids among them were fertile like intervarietal hybrids.
- Chromosome number of each of three cultivated species was found 2n=22. As mentioned elsewhere, all the above cultivated species are put under Vigna unguiculata.
Last modified: Monday, 30 January 2012, 9:04 PM