Intensive Agriculture Area Programme (IAAP)

Intensive Agriculture Area Programme (IAAP)

  • Even with the short coming of IADP, the spectacular results in improved crop yield obtained in IADP, prompted the Government to think of extending the benefits of improved technology in agriculture in large areas over the country at less cost and with reduced staff strength. This resulted in launching of the INTENSIVE AGRICULTURAL AREA PROGRAMMES (IAAP) in 1964. This was similar to but a less intensive extension programme in comparison to that of the IADP. 114 districts were selected in the year 1964 and later extended to 150 districts.
    • Achieved increased production by exploiting the land resources.
    • Package approach were covered in 1410 communities blocks spread over 114 districts in India. In Karnataka 57 C.D. Blocks spread over 14 districts were covered.
    • Increased production by 20-25 per cent of the cultivated area was achieved.
    • Effective coordination between officials and nonofficial was achieved.
    • Multiplication of improved seeds and its distribution to all cultivated areas was possible.
    Difference between IAAP and IADP



    The main objective of the IADP was to implement the improved farm practices in the selected potential areas to increase the production


    The objective of the IAAP was to extend the concept of IADP to other potential areas to cover at least 20-25% of the cultivated area in the country.
    This programme was recomm­ended by a team of Food Ford foundation experts This programme was recommended by the third Five Year Plan mid?term appraisal committee.
    The main criteria for selection of the districts was based on areas having assured irrigation facilities     minimum natural hazards and well developed co­operatives The main criteria for selection of districts was based on areas having predominant crops and well developed infrastructure facilities
    Twenty eight districts including Mandya and Raichur were covered under this programme
    • Number of personnel working in each community block were
    • VLW's -10
    • AEO - 1
    • SM's - 2

    (SM's were responsible for the whole district)

    One hundred and fifty districts including fourteen districts of Karnataka were covered under these programmes.
    • Number of personnel working in each community block were
    • VLW's -10
    • AEO - 1
    • SM's - 2

    (similar to IADP)

Last modified: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 12:16 PM