Golgi phase


  • The newly formed spermatid (A) has a well-developed golgi apparatus.
  • Small vesicles of the golgi fuse, giving rise to larger secretory granules called proacrosomic granules (B)
  • Vesicle fusion continues until a large acrosomic vesicle is formed that contains a dense acrosomic granule (C)
  • During the last half of the golgi phase the centrioles migrate to a position opposite to the acrosomic vesicle
  • Proximal centriole (PC) gives rise to the attachment point for the tail
  • Distal centriole (DC) will give rise to the developing axoneme inside the cytoplasm of the spermatid.

The axoneme is the central portion of a flagellum

Last modified: Tuesday, 12 June 2012, 4:27 AM