

Fructolytic index - Amount of fructose utilized by 109 spermatozoa in one hour at 370C.

  • Fructose, a glycolysable sugar, present in the semen, which is produced by the accessory sex glands, is utilized as a source of energy by active spermatozoa.

Fructose- the major energy source of spermatozoa is secreted from seminal vesicles.

  • It’s level in semen is regulated by the male sex hormone testosterone.
  • Fructolytic index is defined as the amount of fructose utilized by 109 spermatozoa in one hour at 370C.
  • Greater the metabolic activity of spermatozoa more will be the amount of fructose metabolized in any semen sample.
  • The quality of the semen can be assessed by measuring the rate of utilization of fructose.
  • Fructolysis in the semen is assessed by measuring the disappearance of sugars and accumulation of lactic acid by a constant number of spermatozoa in a specific time and under specified conditions.
  • Gassner and Hill (1952), Bonadonna and Pozzi (1954), Probine et al. (1958) reported a relationship between fructolysis and fertility.
  • A highly significant relationship was found between fructolysis and concentration of live sperm.
  • In buffalo semen fructose level is low as compared to cattle semen. Fructolysis was lowest during summer and superior during spring season.
  • Mann (1948) for the first time proposed fructolysis as an index for evaluating the activity of semen.
  • It has been described as the milligram of fructose utilized by 109 spermatozoa in one hour at 370C.
  • Greater is the metabolic activity of spermatozoa more will be the amount of fructose metabolized per unit of time in any semen sample.


Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 11:35 AM