Calculate with Functions & Function Library

Calculate with Functions & Function Library

    Calculate with Functions
    A function is a built in formula in Excel. A function has a name and arguments (the mathematical function) in parentheses. Common functions in Excel:
    Sum: Adds all cells in the argument
    Average: Calculates the average of the cells in the argument
    Min: Finds the minimum value
    Max: Finds the maximum value
    Count: Finds the number of cells that contain a numerical value within a range of the argument
    To calculate a function:
    • Click the cell where you want the function applied
    • Click the Insert Function button
    • Choose the function
    • Click OK
    Calculate with Functions
    • Complete the Number 1 box with the first cell in the range that you want calculated
    • Complete the Number 2 box with the last cell in the range that you want calculated
    Function arguments

    Function Library
    The function library is a large group of functions on the Formula Tab of the Ribbon. These functions include:
    AutoSum: Easily calculates the sum of a range
    Recently Used: All recently used functions
    Financial: Accrued interest, cash flow return rates and additional financial functions
    Logical: And, If, True, False, etc.
    Text: Text based functions
    Date & Time: Functions calculated on date and time
    Math & Trig: Mathematical Functions
    Function library

Last modified: Wednesday, 11 January 2012, 9:51 PM