

    Its value changes during execution. A variable must have a name. The name refers to the memory location where the value of the variable is stored. The name of the variable may consist of one to eight characters. The first character must be an alphabet and may be followed by alphabets or numerals.
    There are two types
    1. Numeric variables
    2. String or Non-numeric variables.
    When the value is numeric, it is called numeric or Arithmetic variable and can be used in arithmetic computations. When the value is non-numeric, it is called string or non-numeric variable and cannot be used in arithmetic calculations. A string variable must consist of a name followed by a dollar sign ($).
    Eg. LET A$ = “PAUL”.
    The string variable should be assigned a string constant only, while the arithmetic variable is assigned a numeric constant only

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 January 2012, 3:55 PM