Some BASIC functions

Some BASIC functions

    There are two types of functions
    1. Pre-defined functions
    2. User-defined functions 
    Pre-defined functions
    Pre-defined functions are also referred to as Library functions and are supplied as a part of the BASIC system.
    The form is
    where the name is pre-defined and must be specified as given.
    The argument may be a constant, a variable, another function or a combination of these. The argument must be enclosed in parenthesis

    User defined functions
    The user can define his own functions with the help of a DEF (DEFINE) statement. The form of this statement is
    The name is a user define name, FN indicates that the name refers to function and is to be specified.
    Eg : 32 DEF FNA(R) = 3.1415 *R 2 +1.5
    33 ….
    34 ….
    35 X= FNA(3)
    36 ….

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 January 2012, 4:11 PM