VB Environment: Menu Bar:
VB Environment: Menu Bar:
The Menu Bar consists of 3 elements the
- Title Bar
- Menu Bar
- Toolbar
Toolbox Controls
Controls in the toolbox:
- Pointer - use to move or change the size of a control
- Picture box - use to display graphics
- Image - use to display a graphic, uses fewer resources than a picture box
- Label - use for text that the user cannot change
- Text box - use for text that the user can enter or change
- Frame - use to group controls together
- Command button - use to create a clickable button
- Check box - use for choices where more than one choice can be selected
- Option button - use for choices where choices are mutually exclusive
- Combo box - user can either select an item from the list or enter a value
- List box - use to display a list of items where only one choice is allowed
- Horizontal or Vertical Scroll bars - use to quickly navigated through a long list of items or a large amount of information
- Timer - use like a stopwatch to trigger events
- Drive list box - displays list of disk drives
- Directory list box - displays list of folders
- File List box - displays a list of files
- Shape - use to draw a rectangle, square, oval or circle
- Line - use to draw a variety of lines
- OLE Container - use to link or embed OLE objects
- Data - use to create applications from many types of databases
Last modified: Thursday, 5 January 2012, 6:44 PM