Other Management during Summer
Other Management during Summer
Other management during summer: Honey flow in most of the areas is generally followed by summer dearth period. Summer is generally marked by hot winds and ambient temperature often exceeds 40oC. During this period bees throw out drones and colony population also dwindles due to the death of old bees who have worked hard during honey flow season. Attack of bee enemies increases and robbing activity of bees is also more. If colonies are not managed properly, they may even abscond. This tendency is more in A. cerana and little in A. mellifera. Manage the colonies as described below:
- Provide the bee colonies with shade by shifting to shady areas or placing them under open straw huts
- Provide proper ventilation by slightly raising the brood chamber or the super such that bees do not pass through this ventilation. Otherwise robbing may be induced
- Close all cracks and crevices in the hive so as to prevent entry of the enemies and robbers.
- Ensure that colonies do not remain brood less for longer duration. Provide sufficient food stores if the colonies have been stripped heavily of their honey stores during honey extraction
- Do not examine the colonies very frequently
- Restrict the number of frames as per colony strength. Remove extra frames and store these safely for later use
- In areas where summer temperature rises above 40oC, gunny bags or straw packs moistened twice a day with water should be spread over the top covers of the colonies
- Provide a source of fresh water as honeybees maintain their hive temperature during summer by collecting water from outside source, spilling it inside hive and evaporating it by fanning. This can easily be arranged in an apiary by hanging an earthen pitcher filled with water having a hole at its bottom, provided with a wick and allowing drops of water to fall on sloping stones or log of wood.
Last modified: Monday, 16 July 2012, 7:19 AM