Predatory Wasps

Predatory Wasps

    Honey bee colonies are attacked by a large number of enemies. For efficient management, the colonies require appropriate protection from these enemies. It is important to understand nature and extent of damage caused by the bee enemies and how to prevent and control them? Some of the important enemies requiring regular attention of a beekeeper are described below.

    1. Predatory wasps:

    • Vespa velutina (V. auraria) Nests on tree tops/buildings
    • Vespa magnifica Under-ground nest.
    • Vespa tropica (V. cincta) Underground nest.
    • Vespa basalis Nest on tree top/buildings.

    16.1 16.2


    Nature of damage:

    • The wasps catch the bees at hive entrance and kill them (Fig. 16.1)
    • Most serious damage in hills is caused by V. magnifica which cuts down bees in large number while sitting or flying at/near hive entrance (Fig. 16.2)
    • Sometimes even V. basalis has been found causing severe damage to the colonies (Fig. 16.3)
    • The weak colonies may even perish due to its attack.

    Prevention and control:

    • Kill the fecunded females visiting the apiary during spring by flapping
    • Burn the nests during night time
    • In fire prone places destroy the nests by spraying them with strong insecticidal solution.
    • Kill the wasps in the apiary by flapping.

Last modified: Tuesday, 17 July 2012, 8:16 AM