
Exercise - 5

Aim: Determination of stigma receptivity.
  1. To find out actual time and duration for which pollination is effective
  2. To work out cross compatibility/incompatibility reaction between two parents.
Materials required:
Notched scissors, forceps, camel’s hair brush, eye lash brush, labels, (jewel tags), magnifying lens, crochet thread, glass rod, butter paper bags, muslin cloth bags.
Simple test:
Visually observe through naked eye or with the help of a magnifying lens, several stigmas at random. Presence of exudates (water fluid) on stigmatic surface would indicate that stigma is receptive.
Seed set test:
However, more reliable rest for determination of stigma receptivity is by making controlled pollination at different stages of flower development i.e.
  • Two days before anthesis
  • One day before anthesis
  • Day of anthesis
  • One day after anthesis
  • Two days after anthesis
At each of the described stages, emasculate 40-50 randomly selected flowers and pollinate immediately. Count the number of flowers with successful seed set after 4-6 weeks in each. On the basis of percentage of seed set, work out the initiation and duration for which stigma remains receptive.

Last modified: Monday, 18 June 2012, 9:30 AM