Painted bugs
Painted bugs
8. Painted bugs, Bagrada cruciferarum and Eurydema pulchrum (Pentatomidae: Hemiptera) Distribution: India, Srilanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, East Africa, South East Asia.
Host range:
- These bugs are important pests of cruciferous crops at flowering and podding stage.
- Has also been reported from Maize, Bajra, Black gram, Vigna mungo, etc
Bagrada crucifererum:
Eurydema pulchrum:
- Both nymphs and adults suck cell sap from the leaves and the developing pods which gradually wilt and dry up.
- On leaves palish or whitish markings appear and later on these leaves turn brown.
- In case of severe infestation, the seed formation is reduced.
- The nymphs and adults also excrete a sort of resinous material which spoils the pods.
Life cycle:
- Incubation period is 2-5 days
- Nymphal period is 18-20 days.
- Adult longevity is 16-18 days
- Total life cycle was completed in 21-27 days
- Pre-oviposition period is about one week.
- Each female can lay on an average 230 eggs @ 15-20 eggs per day.
- There can be 6-8 generations in a year
Salient features:
- Appears March-April and peak activity coincides with pod formation stage.
- In Haryana the pest remains active throughout the year with two peaks (October-November and March-April)
- The eggs are laid singly or in batches of 2-12 on leaves, stems and flower buds
- The incidence is negatively correlated with RH and positively correlated with temperature.
- Mating takes place immediately after final nymphal molt
- These bugs can breed on a number of weeds, so clean cultivation is imperative to avoid infestation.
- The pest can also be controlled by spraying the crop with oxy-demeton methyl (0.025%) or malathion (0.05%) or permethrin (0.008%) or fenvalerate (0.01%) or deltamethrin (0.0028%) or dimethoate (0.03%).
- Observe 7-10 days waiting period
Last modified: Wednesday, 7 March 2012, 6:32 AM