Hadda beteles

Hadda beteles

5. Hadda beteles

Important species:

  • Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata
  • H. duodecastigma
  • H. demurili
Family: Coccinellidae

Order: Coleoptera

Distribution: India, south-east Asia

Host range: H. vigintioctopunctata and H. duodecastigma attack solanaceous and cucurbitaceous crops, while H. demurili attack only cucurbitaceous vegetables only.

  • The damage is caused by the beetles and the grubs
  • The leaves are damaged by feeding on the chlorophyll tissue between veins
  • Leaves are skeletonized
  • The grubs are about 6mm, yellow, with six rows branched spines.
  • Beetles measure about 8 to 9 mm in length and 5 to 6mm in breadth.
  • H. vigintioctopunctata beetles are deep copper coloured having 14 black spots on each elytron whose tip is somewhat pointed
  • Beetles of H. duodecastigma are deep copper coloured with 6 black spots on each elytron whose tip is more rounded.
  • H. demurili beetles are dull in appearance and light copper coloured with each elytron bearing 6 black spots surrounded by yellow margins.

Life cycle:
  • The incubation period is 2- 3days
  • Larval period is 14-18 days
  • Pre-pupal period is 1-2 days
  • Pupal period 4-5 days .
  • Pre-oviposition period is 5-6 days
  • Oviposition period is about 40-50 days
  • Post-oviposition period is 10 days
  • Adult longevity is 60-65 days (male) and 65-70 days (female)
  • Several generations from March to October.
Salient features:
  • Beetles resume their activity during March-April
  • Hibernate as an adult in heaps of dry plants or in cracks and crevice in soil.
  • Yellow cigar shaped eggs are laid mostly on the under surface of the leaves in clusters of 5 to 55 each.
  • A single female can lay 200 to 700 eggs
  • Collection and destruction of various stages of the pest.
  • Larval parasitoids such as Pediobius foveolatus and Uga menoni are active in nature.
  • The pest can be controlled by spraying the crop with malathion (0.05%)
Last modified: Saturday, 3 March 2012, 6:10 AM