Stem weevil and Leaf caterpillar
Stem weevil and Leaf caterpillar
1. Amaranthus stem weevil, Hypolixus truncatulus (Curculionidae: Coleoptera)
- Distribution: India and neighboring countries
- Host range: Amaranthus (both wild and cultivated)
- Newly emerged grubs tunnels the stem
- The affected stems become weak and often split longitudinally due to excessive transpiration and evaporation
- The plants desiccate and ultimately dry up completely
- Adults feed on tender leaves and stems but the loss caused by them is negligible.
- Eggs are smooth, oval, about 1 mm, pale yellow
- Grubs are stout, curved, legless, white and about 13-17 mm long
- Pupae are yellowish brown in colour
- Adult weevils are ash-grey, 10-15 mm long
Life cycle
- Eggs hatch in about 2-4 days during summer and 10-12 days during winter
- Grub stage lasts for about 12 days during summer and 20-24 days during winter
- Pupate inside the stem
- Adults on emergence remain inside the stem for 5-6 days
- Adult longevity varies from 12-66 days.
Salient features
- Each female lays about 30 eggs singly inside the plant stem
- Grubs feed inside the stem by making tunnels
- 17-18 grubs/stem have been reported
- Full fed grubs cut a small round hole in the stem, leaving thin semi transparent apidermal tissue
- Pupate in the stem
- Adults after 5-6 days cut epidermal membrane and emerge out
- Destroy all wild amaranthus plants in the vicinity
- As soon as infestation is observed, remove and destroy promptly all the affected plants with grubs inside.
- Spraying with malathion @ 0.05% or dichlorvos @ 0.05% is also effective.
- After spraying the crop with insecticides observe a waiting period of 7-10 days.
2. Amaranthus leaf caterpillar, Hymenia recurvalis
- Distribution: Tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia and Hawali Islands.
- Host range: Grasslands and pastures, beans, Coleus, Luffa spp, melons, spinach, amaranthus, etc.
- Young caterpillars feed on epidermis and palisade tissues of leaves.
- Older ones web the leaves together and feed with in.
- Webbed leaves become completely devoid of chlorophyll and dry up.
- Eggs are spherical in shape and snow white in colour.
- Caterpillars are greenish in colour with white lines.
- Full grown larva measures 17-20 mm in length.
- Pupae are 10-14 mm long and brownish in colour.
- Adults are black coloured.
- Both pairs of wings are dark fuscous in colour, outer margins are fringed with short hairs.
- Wing expanse is 15-20 mm.
Life cycle:
- Eggs hatch in about 3-4 days
- Larval period is 12-16 days
- Pupal period lasts for 8-12 days
- Total life cycle is completed in 3-4 weeks.
Salient features
- Each female lays 50-80 eggs singly or in batches of 2-5 usually on grooves of leaf veins
- Larvae feed on leaves
- Pupate in soil
- Spray with malathion @ 0.05%
Last modified: Saturday, 3 March 2012, 7:39 AM