Exercise: Insect Pests of Taro(ARUM) I.E. Colocasia and Alocasia

Exercise: Insect Pests of Taro(ARUM) I.E. Colocasia and Alocasia
1. White spotted flea beetle, Monolepta signata (Chrysomelidae: Coleoptera)
  • Damage: Beetles bite holes in leaves; damage the leaf lamella thus reducing the yield. In young plants severe infestation may result in its complete destruction. The adult beetle is 3-4 mm long having reddish brown body and pale brown elytra with two big white spots an each elytron.
2. Leaf eating caterpillars
  • Pericallia ricini, commonly known as woolly bear or black hairy caterpillar.
  • Agrius convolvuli (Sphingidae: Lepidoptera)
  • Larvae: Caterpillars are voracious feeders and can defoliate the crops in a short time. Moth is crepuscular in habit and feed on nectar of flower having tabular calyx. Pupation takes place in soil at a depth of 8-10 cm.
  • Leaf eating beetle: Galerucida bicolor (Gallerucidae: Coleoptera)
  • Leaf eating caterpillars:
    • Pericallia ricini (Arctiidae: Lepidoptera)
    • Spodoptera littoralis (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)
    • Theretra gnoma
  • Leaf eating beetles:
    • Galerucida bicolor (Galerucidae: Coleoptera)
    • Lema lacorelairei
    • Crioceris impressa
  • Mealy bugs:
    • Geococcus coffeae
    • Planococcus citri
    • Phenococcus gossypii
Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 5:38 AM