1. Cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Aphididae: Hemiptera)
- Both nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from plants like Hibiscus rosa sinensis, Cossia glance, Tecoma capensis
2. Dusky cotton bug, Oxycarenus laetus (Lygaeidae: Hemiptera)
3. Hollyhock Tingid bug, Urentius euonymus (Tingidae: Hemiptera)
- The tingid bug infests the garden holy hock, Althaea rosea, Abutilon indicum, Sida cardifolia and Chrozophora rotilesi. The bugs are about 5-6 mm in length having densely reticulate body and wings. The nymphs are spiny in appearance.
- Damage: Both nymphs and adults suck the cell sap from the under surface of leaves. The infested leaves become pale yellow then turn brown and ultimately dry up after shriveling.
4. Sunflower lace wing bug, Cadmilos rotiarius (Tingidae: Hemiptera)
- It is a small insect measuring about 4 mm, with transparent shiny, reticulate wings and black body. Both adults and nymphs cause damage to many garden plants like sunflower, gaillardia, daisy, chrysanthemum, marigold, etc.
- Damage: Both nymphs and adults suck the sap and the infested leaves turn yellowish brown and finally dry up.
5. Red cotton bug, Dysdercus koengii (Pyrrhocoridae : Hemiptera)
- Described under the insect pest of okra.
6. Cotton white fly, Bemisia tabaci (Aleyrodidae : Hemiptera)
- Described under the insect pest of okra.
7. Jasmine thrips, Thrips orientalis (Thripidae : Thysanoptera)
- The dark coloured jasmine thrips is mainly found on Jasminum maltiflorum from February to April. Both adults and nymphs feed on flower by rasping the petals and feed on the oozing cell sap. Attacked flowers give a decayed look and fall off prematurely.
8. Lilly moth, Polytela gloriosae (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera)
- The lily moth is a sporadic and specific pest of lilies in India and Sri Lanka. The larvae have chocolate brown head and they defoliate the lily plants. The full grown larva measures 39-42 mm and possesses black, white and red mosaic pattern on the body. The moth has mosaic pattern of red, yellow and black on fore wings with a row of black and yellow dots on the apical margins. The hind wings are black.
Last modified: Tuesday, 19 June 2012, 5:44 AM