Post harvest handling and storage
The harvested leaves should be spread in a thin layer under open sun for 6-10 hours to reduce the moisture content. Further drying of the produce is done in well ventilated drying sheds. It takes 3-5 days to dry the produce in the sheds by frequently turning them all over. A well dried produce should have 7-8 percent moisture and should maintain light green to greenish yellow colour.GradingOne of the serious limiting factors in senna trading is lack of grading. High degree of variation in sennoside is experienced due to mixing of small, medium, large and extra large leaves. In the market, three or four grades of senna are recognised based upon size of leaf and colour.
- Grade A / first grade:The extra large and bold leaves and pods having yellowish green colour
- Grade B /second grade: Produce having brownish leaves and pods
- Grade C /third grade: Smaller and broken leaves and pods
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 5:32 AM