Overview of the course
Over all aim of the course
- To impart knowledge on the current status and export potential of medicinal and aromatic plants.
- To inculcate the importance of conserving rare medicinal species
- To discuss the problems in production and marketing of medicinal and aromatic crops.
- To describe the importance of medicinal and aromatic plants in medicine, neutraceuticals, cosmetics, perfumery industry and Indian system of medicine.
Intended learning and outcome of course Knowledge skill:
- Extend a thorough knowledge on the Indian herbal industry and spearhead the activities for promotion of medicinal and aromatic plants in India.
- Develop an understanding on constraints and problems in production and marketing of medicinal and aromatic plants.
Intellectual skills
- Developing expertise among the graduates for organized market for medicinal and aromatic plants
- Creation of niche market covering phytochemicals, value addition and market enhancement.
Professional & practical skills
- Developing entrepreunership activities to establish value addition ventures, botanical extracts, isolation of bio-active compounds, aroma chemicals.
- Transforming the knowledge into skills for promotion of herbal industry.
- Teaching & Learning methods
- Lively presentations using video and on-line mode
- Demonstrations and interactive teaching
- Practical exercises and field visit
Last modified: Thursday, 8 December 2011, 7:30 AM