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Soil The plant prefers a light but fertile and calcareous soil for good growth and oil content. On heavy, wet soils the aroma of the leaves will be less and there are chances that the plants may soon dry up. Climate A warm climate is best suited for this crop. It can be grown both in the hills and on the plains. Hilly regions are best suited for its cultivation. However, the plants are susceptible to frost. The seeds may be sown in the nursery in April. Late summer is the time for transplanting the seedlings or for planting the rooted cuttings. Land preparation The land is prepared well by repeated ploughing and brought to a fine tilth and divided into plots of convenient size. Propagation Thyme can be propagated by seeds and vegetatively by the division of old plants or by cuttings, or by the layering of side-shoots in March or April. The seeds are sown directly in rows or in well-prepared nursery beds in good soils. Fine soil is preferred for the nursery, because the seedlings are very small and remain inconspicuous for several weeks after germination. Planting When the seeds are sown directly, they can be sown in rows 90 cm apart and, later, when the seeds germinate, the seedlings may be thinned out to 30-45 cm within the rows. While planting the seedlings or rooted cuttings or layers, they are planted 30-45 cm apart in rows, 60 cm apart. A light irrigation is provided after planting. Manures and fertilizers A light dressing of FYM in the autumn and an additional dressing of nitrogen in the spring can be applied. This promotes the formation of numerous leafy shoots. A fertilizer dose of N 75kg, P2O5 and K2O each at 40kg/ha is recommended for higher yield. Irrigation Since the crop is planted late in summer, it requires frequent irrigations during the dry period. Interculture Inter culture operations and weeding are done at regular intervals to encourage the good growth of plants. In the hills, mulching helps to avoid frost injury to the plants during the winter. Pests and diseases The plant is not damaged by any pests of serious nature, but wilt disease is a major problem in this crop. The disease can be controlled by improving the phytosanitation and by drenching the soil with a suitable fungicide like Blitox or Dithane M-45 at 0.3% concentration. |
Last modified: Tuesday, 3 April 2012, 11:15 AM