Harvesting and oil extraction

Harvesting and oil extraction

    The flower crop (mature buds and open flowers in early stage) is picked in early morning (5-8 AM). The open flower crops are processed for extraction of oil immediately. It continues to produce blooms from May to early-December. The yield in first year is low (500 kg) but it increase to 5 tonnes in second year and 10 tonnes/ha in third year onwards. Although decline may commence after 10 years, relatively satisfactory economic yield continues to be received up to 15 years in a well-managed plantation. Usually, food-grade hexane or petroleum ether is employed as a medium of solvent extraction and oil along with waxes is extracted and separated out at low temperature and dried in vacuum. On an average, 340-400 kg of flowers are needed to produce 1 kg of concrete; the commercial yield of concrete being 10 kg/ha over the years.
    For production of its ‘absolute’ (mainly used to measure purity of the produce), the ‘concrete’ ‘is dissolved in absolute’ alcohol and waxes are removed through filtration. The ‘absolute’ or ‘otto’ is a semi-viscous, dark coloured material, emitting fragrance of fresh jasmine flowers.


Last modified: Wednesday, 7 December 2011, 9:36 AM