Biochemical methods for assessing nutritional status of vitamins and minerals

Lesson 5 : Biochemical Assessment of Nutritional Status

Biochemical methods for assessing nutritional status of vitamins and minerals

Nutrient Principal Method Normal Deficiency
Vitamin A S. vitamin A
Relative Dose Response test (450-1000 μg retinol) 100 μg /kg dehydroretinol dehydro retinol

Vitamin A
30 μ/d

< 20 μg/dl

> 20%

> 0.06

Vitamin D S. 25- hydroxy > 10 ng/ml < 5 ng/ml
Vitamin E S. vitamin E/total lipid > 0.8 -
Vitamin K Protein induced by vitamin K absence PIVKAS Absent Accumula

Urinary thiamine

Erythrocyte Transketolase (ETK-AC) Activated

100 μg /24 hr
65 μg/g of creatinine

< 1.15


> 1.25

Riboflavin Erythrocyte glutathione (EGR - AC) < 1.2 > 1.4
Niacin N - methyl 1-2 pyridone - 5 carboxylamide (2-pyridone) and N1 - methyl 1 - 4 < 1.0
Vitamin B6 Urinary excretion of B6
Erythrocyte aspartate transferase (EAspAT - AC)
< 1.7-2.0 < 20 μg/g creatinine
Folic acid Serum folate
RBC folate
Formimino glutamic acid
> 6.0 ng/ml
> 160 ng/rnl
< 20 mg FIGLU in 8 hours after histidine load of 0.26 g/kg body weight
< 3.0
< 140 ng/ml
> 100 mg
Vitamin B12 Serum B12 200 – 900 pg/ml 80 p g/ml
Ascorbic acid P. ascorbic acid levels
Leucocyte ascorbic acid
> 0.3 mg/dl
> 15 rng/dl
< 0.2
< 8 mg/dl
Iron Serum ferritin levels
Serum iron
Serum transferrin

> 13g/dl (Men)
> 12 g/dl(Women)
12 μg/dl
< 40
< 0.16
Iodine Urinary excretion of iodine > 50 rng/g creatinine
Zinc P. zinc 84 - 1 04 μ/dl
Copper S. copper 75 - 125 μg/dl

Source: Bamji Mahtab. S., Biochemical tests for the assessment of nutrition status from (ed) Bamji Mehtab. S et at. Text book of Human Nutriticn, 1998 Oxford & IBH Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

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