Moist heat methods

Lesson 3 : Methods of Food Preparation

Moist heat methods

  1. Boiling

  2. Simmering: When foods are cooked in a pan with a well-fitting lid at temperature just below the boiling point 82-990C of the liquid in which they are immersed the process is known as simmering. Itis a useful method when foods have to be cooked for a long time to make it tender as in the case of cheaper cuts of meat, fish, cooking custards, kheer, vegetables and carrot halwa. This method is also employed in making soups and stocks.

    • Foods get cooked thoroughly.
    • Scorching or burning is prevented.
    • Losses due to leaching are minimum.


    • There is loss of heat sensitive nutrients, due to long period of cooking.
    • Takes more time and more fuel are required.

  3. Poaching: This involves cooking in minimum amount of liquid at a temperature of 80-850C that is below the boiling point. Foods generally poached are eggs, fish and fruits. For poaching eggs, the addition of little salt or vinegar to the cooking liquid lowers the temperature of coagulation. Eggs get cooked quickly by poaching.

    • Very quick method of cooking.
    • Easily digestible since no fat is used.


    • It is bland in taste.
    • Water-soluble nutrients may be leached into water.

  4. Stewing

  5. Steaming

  6. Pressure cooking
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Last modified: Wednesday, 7 December 2011, 7:25 AM