
Human Physiology

Lesson 17 : Digestive System Overview


Digestion: is a biochemical process in which complex food constituents are converted to simpler compounds with the helps of enzymes secreted by digestive tract of animals. e.g starch is digested into glucose.

Fermentation: is a complex microbial process in which complex food constituents are broken down to simpler fermentation products with the help of microbes. e.g starch into volatile fatty acids.

Microbes: are tiny microscopic unicellular organisms like bacteria and protozoa that are present in large intestine and helps in fermentation of food ingredients.

Absorption: is movement of products of digestion (like glucose, amino acids, and fatty acids) from lumen of G1 tract to the blood.

Assimilation: is the incorporation of absorbed nutrients into the tissue cells for various functions. e.g. conversion of glucose to glycogen in liver & muscles, synthesis of proteins from amino acids.

Digestive System: includes a series of organs of the body, which participate in the ingestion, digestion, absorption and excretion of food. It is also referred as gastro-intestinal tract (GI tract).

Last modified: Tuesday, 10 April 2012, 7:10 AM