Arteries: are distributing vessels that carry blood from heart to peripheral organs.
Veins: are collecting vessels that bring blood from peripheral organs to heart.
Capillary: are exchange vessels through them nutrients and waste products are exchanged between blood and tissue.
Pulmonary or lesser circulation: vessels carrying blood from heart to lungs and back constitute pulmonary circulation.
Systemic or greater circulation: vessels carrying blood from heart to entire body and back constitute systemic circulation.
Arterioles: are finer branches of arteries localized in the organs and composed of thick coat of smooth muscle cells. They are also known as resistance vessels.
Sinusoids: are distended blood spaces (homologues to capillaries) for greater level of exchange between blood and tissue cells.
Electrocardiogram: is graphic recording of electrical events of heart through electrodes placed on skin.
Lymph: is clear, colour tissue fluid circulating through lymphatics before mixing with blood.