Educational Considerations

Children With Developmental Challenges 3(2+1)

Lesson 31 : Children With Chronic Health Impairments and Psychological Disorders

Educational Considerations

Medical complications result in a variety of limitations for these students including regular class attendance. In addition, attendance at particular times of day may be a limitation due to treatments or hospitalizations. Side effects of medication may limit classroom responses or taking tests in a timed situation. Some medical conditions may limit mobility, speech, vision, or muscle control. Students may be limited in their use of standard furniture or be limited in maintaining long class periods.

  • Educational settings can range from regular classroom to home bound/ hospital setting.
  • The setting is determined by the educational team based on child’s assessments, educational goals and planned intervention.
  • The largest no. of students with orthopedic impairments are educated in regular classrooms, followed by a separate class and resource room.
  • For children with multiple disabilities separate class/ separate school and resource room are suitable for placement.

    • School for various types of Handicapped children
    • Convalescent Home Class – assigned to convalescent homes after serious illness or during an intermediate period between hospital care and return to home. The classes in these centres continue the education of the children while they are convalescing.
    • Hospital Class – Education in hospitals consists of bedside teaching as well as small- group instruction
    • Sanatorium Class – Sanatorium classes are usually for children with bone and joint tuberculosis who are confined to sanatorium.
    • Home Instruction- Teachers are assigned to homes of children who are unable to attend regular classes or classes for physically handicapped.
Last modified: Tuesday, 17 April 2012, 12:31 PM