They provide variety in the program. Ex. Some children learn best when they view a film or hear a record. The total preschool program must meet the needs of a variety of children.
They provide children with highly interesting learning experiences. Media help children learn facts and learn joyfully in the school setting and develop creative skills.
They get children involved in the creation of materials. Some of the software can be used by one child working alone or a group. This provides a chance to handle the materials and to create useful things for their class. Hands on activities are very important for young children.
They build on and reinforce other activities. It is important that young children learn and relearn. After learning some information, the child can relearn it through the media. Thus learning through the use of media can reinforce concepts.
Use of software by children in creation of activities
Videotape and movies-It is possible for children to plan and produce video of the class activities. They can videotape dramatic presentations, dancing, field trips and other activities in and around the schools.
Films –The films can help in teaching children a creative skill such as drawing or painting or pasting. Then children can be given a chance to create their own designs. Through movie introduce a story and some characters. At the proper time, the movie is turned off and children take the parts of the characters. Thus through role play children create their own ending to the story.
Slides -Using an inexpensive camera, children can take slides of many activities. They can create a slide show for parents or other children. Creative art, dance or drama can be the theme of the show. Sound can be added by making a tape recording. Slides can also be used for demonstrating a skill. Filling a picture with colour can be presented with a slide show. Thus slides are used to build interest and entertain the children.
Filmstrips- are a series of slides made in a strip of film rather than cut up and placed in slide mountings. With help of film projector a film strip can be shown to the class.
Snapshots (photos) -can be used to create a story book by using a collection of photos made by children. Pictures taken at home and school can be printed and child may create a story using the photos. The same photo can be used in different way e.g. A picture book can be made by photos taken by one child and the story created by another.
Cassette tape Recorders-Children can use inexpensive and small tape recorders for recording their own voices just for fun or creative play. They can also record classroom plays, music or interesting dialogues etc.
Over head projector- These are light weight machines rests on table top and project pictures, words, shadows etc on a screen. Children can prepare their own transparencies of their pictures and pencil line drawings, words etc.
Opaque projector: It is used to project pictures, pages, designs, photographs, paintings or any opaque picture etc directly on a screen. The thin and flat things can be focused enlarged and shown on the blank wall.
Records –Recorded music or stories helps children to listen repeatedly and develop creative movement