Program philosophy --- 1
The programme is based on the philosophy that most children can learn the skills necessary to succeed in school, that each child learns at her own rate and that success in learning will develop the child’s self image.
Program philosophy ---2
It is based on meeting the developmental needs of the children. Work of Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget provides the theoretical framework around which programs are planned to meet each child’s emotional, social, cognitive and physical needs.
Assumption: Growth is sequential and orderly process and children pass through stages of development that occur in a predictable sequence in their physical, emotional, social and cognitive growth.
Program philosophy ---3
This program is designed to meet the developmental needs of young children. Experiences are provided to enrich and enhance each child’s cognitive language, social, emotional, physical and creative development. Child has opportunities to create, explore the environment, learn problem solving and personal interaction skills and learn concepts through first hand experiences. Opportunities are given for solitary play as well as group activities. Staff serve as positive role models and provide care that is supportive, nurturing, warm and responsive to each child’s individual needs. Families are primary and most important providers of care and nurturing and believed that parents and teachers are partners in children’s care and education.
It is impossible to make program decisions without a commitment to an agreed upon philosophy. Once that is in place, subsequent program decisions can be checked against the program philosophy to ensure consistency with the stated position.