Gross motor skills

Lesson 02: Motor Development during Early Childhood Period

Gross motor skills

To understand the significance of gross motor skills clearly, these are again classified into three different categories.

  1. Efficient body management: Motor activities like climbing, balancing, leaping and rolling come under the first category. These activities require good control over the whole body. They are directed through efficient body management towards mastery of certain kinds of physical achievements. They contribute to gymnastic type of activities in later life.
  2. Strength and speed of the movements: Activities that are carried with other children or with a standard e.g. catching, kicking and throwing etc. come under the second category. These activities stress on trial of strength and speed in which movement connected with some other object is involved like a ball, bat etc. These activities later on lead to skills for sports and games.
  3. Rhythm of body movement: Motor activities that emphasize rhythm often to the accompaniment of some sound e.g. drum beats come under the third category. Later on these lead to skills like ‘dancing’.
Last modified: Friday, 25 November 2011, 12:37 PM