Meaning and Purpose of staff training

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 18 : Staff Development

Meaning and Purpose of staff training

Staff development refers to all the processes that encourage personal growth in employees in any work environment. In an early childhood setting it to refers to procedures that help the teaching staff achieve greater professionalism.

Purpose of training: The staff in child care centre enters the job with certain level of skills and knowledge only. Training activities help them to

  • Move to new levels of effectiveness in carrying out their jobs.
  • Move to new job categories/positions if staff desires to.
  • Example: From assistant teacher- regular teacher
    Teacher- teacher with administrative tasks.
    Teacher- principal

  • Develop professional identity with enhanced knowledge and skills where teachers project themselves with more professional image.
  • Equip them to answer the questions of parents regarding curriculum and issues on child rearing.
  • Enable the staff to know new strategies to minimize stress and decrease burn out.
Last modified: Tuesday, 7 February 2012, 11:34 AM