ECE center Basic requirements


ECE center Basic requirements

  • Age: The minimum age range of the children should be
    for Nursery – 2 ½ to 3 ½ years
    for LKG – 3 ½ to 4 ½ years
    for UKG – 4 ½ to 5 ½ years
    for I standard - 5 ½ to 6 ½ years
    for II standard - 6 ½ to 7 ½ years

  • Duration: It should be for 3 to 4 hrs preferably in the morning as young children can actively participate during this period. For two-and-a-half year olds, this period may be shortened by another half an hour based on the convenience of the centre and the children. For some schools like day care centers it may be longer because the young children have to stay back at the centre till their parents return from the job.

  • Space: It should have adequate indoor and outdoor space for children to give freedom of movement to the young children.

    • 30x40 sq. ft of indoor space, 80x100 sq. ft of outdoor space is desirable for each child, otherwise at least.

    • 25x30 sq.ft of indoor space, 60x80 sq.ft of outdoor space is necessary for each child.

    Size of the class/ Strength: Depends on type of school, the age of the children, space available for each child and qualification and experience of teachers.

  • Staff: The teachers are to be well qualified and dedicated to work in ECE centers. Along with teachers all the staff members in ECE center need to be professionally trained and are to be quite fit physically and mentally to deal with the young children. They should also attend refresher courses to enhance their knowledge and efficiency in the field of ECE.

  • Teacher child ratio: it is an important factor for effective working of the ECE center. The ideal teacher child ratio for younger age group of children will be 1:8 or 1: 10. But in India it is 1: 15 for the younger age group and 1: 20 for the older age group children. There should be two helpers to take care of the children.

    1 Teacher and 2 helpers for 15 children of 2 ½ to 3 ½ yrs.
    1 Teacher and 2 helpers for 20 children of 3 ½ to 7 ½ yrs

    The two and half years children needs very close supervision and help from adults, therefore the child teacher ratio should be very ideal. On the other hand the older children need much less help and as such teacher is able to take charge of a larger number of children. Generally the children of five and six years are ready for more regular and systematic work. They develop interest in reading; writing and number work so it is easy for the teacher to manage a large group of children when compared to nursery.

  • Curriculum: The activities for each day should be arranged properly. They should include different kinds of activities like indoor, outdoor, stories, songs, music and dance, painting, modeling, nature study etc to keep children equally interested in all items. They should be planned in such a way as to achieve objectives for proper growth and development of children.

  • Building : building of an ECE center should have

    • 2 halls with adequate storage space, a kitchen, sickroom, sufficient number of bathrooms.

    • Good lighting and ventilation
    • Low hooks for bags, clothing accessories, child size toilets and wash basins.
    • Flooring which should not be too smooth/rough, easy to clean.
    • Colorful and attractive, away from crowd and noisy area
    • Broad windows, low height -shelves to develop independence in children.
    • Shady open play ground with fence for the safety of the children
    • Sand pit and an enclosure for water play.
    • Provision for future expansion and gardening.
    • Good teaching and learning materials.
  • Equipment: Equipment is most essential for running an ECE center effectively. The ECE teacher needs variety of equipment to provide the children with challenging and interesting learning experiences. Different types of equipment are necessary for development of muscular coordination, language, creativity, imagination, cognitive and social skills.

Type of equipment
Physical strength and motor coordination Jungle gym, swings, balancing boards, merry-go-round, slides, climbers , large building blocks, sand and water toys, wheel toys etc.
language Books, pictures, flannel graphs/cards, photos, tape recorders
Dramatic play Costumes, puppets, safety mirrors, child sized furniture, doll-accessories, cooking utensils etc
Creativity Easels, water colours, dough, clay, crayons, plasticine, glue, scissors, hole punchers, paints, brushes, different textured papers etc.
Musical activities Musical instruments like manjiras, drums, flutes, mouth organs, record players etc.
Cognitive abilities Construction toys like beads, unit blocks, building blocks, puzzles, block accessories-people, animals, vehicles and

nesting toys etc.
Discovery and Science Natural materials, textured materials, magnifying glasses, magnets, weights, measuring cans, mirrors, scales and small pets etc
  • Basic/Necessary equipment: includes furniture, equipment for cooking, feeding, washing, cleaning, teaching aids and play material etc.
  • Optional equipment: Puppet stage, Doll house, aquarium and projector computer etc.
Last modified: Tuesday, 8 November 2011, 8:23 AM