Standard- meaning & need

Entrepreneurship in Childcare Services 4 (2+2)

Lesson 21 : Standards for daycare centers

Standard- meaning & need

Standards are defined as a definite level or degree of quality that is proper and adequate for a specific purpose. State regulations stipulate minimum standards for obtaining a license to operate child development center. Some examples for regulations governing minimum standards include teacher’s education, safety protections, quality of interactions etc.

The term ‘standard’ connotes general acceptance and implicitly of a need for enforcement. Minimum standards for social welfare have therefore, come to be accepted as those basic norms or pre-requisites which must be fulfilled in order to achieve the objectives for which a certain programme has been launched. These standards are feasible and reasonable goals to which all welfare services are expected to conform.


It responsibility of the community to give protection, provide physical care and avoid exploitation of the needy children by ensuring minimum standards in child welfare services. In order to provide services at reasonably good standard and to protect the individuals from the carelessness or inadequate or defective services, the progressive societies have introduced a system of giving licenses for factories, cinema houses and recognition for schools and hospitals. Thus the concept of minimum standards in services other than social welfare in areas concerning human beings has not only been accepted, but also put into practice.

Last modified: Wednesday, 8 February 2012, 10:19 AM