Creative activities Types

Lesson 24: Creative activities in ECE center

Creative activities

Some of the creative activities are Easel painting, Finger painting, Collage work, Clay work/Dough play, creative movement and Rhythm instruments. Implications for creative activities
  1. Providing opportunities for exploration of creative material.
  2. Not to expect a finished product.

Drawing and painting

Experiences in drawing and painting offer another avenue through which children release their feelings and find satisfaction. Hence, we must try to safeguard the use of art media as a means of self expression of the children for it serves as an outlet for feelings.


Here the process is emphasized more than the product. The child can start with charcoal or a chalk and draw on the floor or slate. Drawing on a sand base with the help of a stick is very easy and convenient.

While drawing and painting material are available in the market to suit the various needs, they can be made out of indigenous material too. Colours prepared out of leaves, coloured soil, brick powder, low cost ink etc. and brushes made out of sticks or broken tooth brushes for painting are some examples.

Last modified: Thursday, 10 November 2011, 5:39 AM