Practical- 42 & 43: Material development for stimulation programme for infants (19-24 months)


Module-11 & 12: Planning, Implementing and Evaluation of Stimulation
Programme for Infants (19-24 months)

Practical- 42 & 43: Material development for stimulation programme for infants (19-24 months)

During this period infant shows understanding of differences in size, colours, and spatial relationships. The child is very callous about the surroundings follow simple instructions. So arrange a wide range of stimulating materials for children for the overall healthy development of children.

Aim: To widen horizon of student’s knowledge regarding developing materials for stimulation programme for children (19-24 months).


  1. Learn to develop stimulation materials for promoting sensory development of infants (19-24 months).
  2. Developing the skill in designing material for stimulating hearing, vision and tactile senses of infants (19-24 months)

Instructions for the students:

  1. The students select any two activities under each area from the planned stimulation programme and prepare the material.
  2. Check the usability of the final product and do the required modifications for the final use and submit.
  3. Understand the examples given below to prepare the stimulation material.

Ex: 1 Motor development

Title: Wooden car

Ex: 2 Cognitive development

Title : Multi colour ring

Ex: 3: Social development

Title : Head band

Title :Paper Hat

Last modified: Friday, 16 December 2011, 11:52 AM