Need for Welfare Programmes for adolescents

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 19 : Welfare Services for Adolescents – Need and Types

Need for Welfare Programmes for adolescents

The needs of the youth can be divided into the following four categories

  1. To effect an integration in personality for becoming a mature and responsible adult
  2. Outgrowing protection and developing emotional independence
  3. To bring about necessary adjustment with opposite sex and achieving mature relations with age-mates and to prepare for family life, and
  4. To select and prepare for a vocation in 'order t6 achieve economic independency

The energy of the youth can be utilized not only for the youth himself but for the welfare and upliftment of the whole community. If the needs of the youth are not fulfilled, it may create problem for the youth, and the community as a whole. The rights and obligations of the youth have to be considered in the right perspective, other wise it might create conflict.

Last modified: Friday, 20 April 2012, 8:42 AM