Vocational training

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 35 : Requirements of Institutional Services

Vocational training

It is necessary for the institution to provide pre-vocational training and counseling services for them, so that they could be trained in different vocations. Training given before the age of 14 years is chiefly for the development of good work habits, certain elementary skills and manual dexterity. It may also be of value for the purpose of vocational guidance. This training should be varied and develop a child's interests.' A variety of subjects must often be tried to determine the child’s greatest interests and aptitudes.

Instructions in industrial arts should be an integral part of the total school programmes for boys and girls and should be given during regular school hours, and might include any or as many of the following as possible:
First aid, home nursing, designing, painting, ceramics, weaving, horticulture, household arts and music. There should also be arrangements for developing hobbies.


For girls- Business training including stenography, type writing, book-keeping and cooking, baking, catering sales, dress making, etc.
Formal training in the household skills will be found necessary for the girl who plans to earn her own living by doing service which should also include instructions in employ employer relationship. This training can best be given in such units which are comparable to family life.

For boys- Business training, printing, linotyping, general machines, automobile or radio engineer, carpentry, cooking, baking, shoe-making, shoe-shining, gardening, horticulture, painting, tailoring, hair dressing, pluming, electricity and metal work.

Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 10:14 AM