
Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 37 : Women Trafficking


Trafficking of women for immoral purposes and monetary profits is one of the most burning issues in India. Trafficking of women has become a mailer of serious national and international concerns. Trafficking in women is a violation of serious human rights, including the very right to life, the right to liberty, human dignity and security of person, the right to freedom from torture or cruelty, inhuman or degrading treatment, the right to a home and family, the right to education and proper employment, the right to health care and everything that makes for a life with dignity.

Women have been exposed to unprecedented vulnerabilities. Commercial exploitation of these vulnerabilities have become a massive organized and a multi-million dollar business. The international community has passed several conventions to combat this pervasive malady. Pluralistic India with her awesome size, complexities and communities has put in place a multi- pronged response to meet challenge of woman trafficking at national and sub- national levels.

Last modified: Monday, 20 February 2012, 12:47 PM