National Children's Fund

Family and Child Welfare 3 (3+0)

Lesson 42 : Constitution of a National Children’s Board

National Children's Fund

In pursuance of national policy for children as "the nation's supremely important assets" the Government of India has decided to constitute the National Children's Fund. The object of the National Children's Fund shall be:

  1. To administer and apply the funds of the children fund to pay grant-in-aid to voluntary organizations at national, state and district levels to implement programmes for the welfare of children includes rehabilitation of destitute children, particularly, pre­school children.
  2. To do all other things that is incidental to the above subjects.

The fund started with a contribution of rupees one lakh made by the Government of India. A donation of rupees five lakhs has been received from the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund. Thereafter, contributions are expected from the general public, voluntary organizations, state governments. Industry and 'business etc. for which an appraisal has been issued by the Prime Minister. There have also been some touching spontaneous reasons from individual copy of Government of India Notification.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 February 2012, 1:15 PM