Gender Role Orientation theory- Sandra Bem

Personality Development 2(1+1)

Lesson 11 : Gender Role Orientation and Personality

Gender Role Orientation theory- Sandra Bem

Sandra Bem’s theory (1974) on gender orientation indicated the following four types. The study is based on a measurement scale with a seven point rating on 400 masculine as well as feminine traits of both desirable and undesirable nature

  • Persons who scored high on masculine items and low on feminine items were named as ‘Masculine’.
  • Persons who scored high on feminine items and low on masculine items were named as ‘Feminine'.
  • Persons scoring high on both masculine items and feminine items were named as ‘Androgynous’.
  • Persons scoring low on both masculine and feminine items were named as ‘Undifferentiated’.

Research indicates that persons, who were androgynous made better adjustments to life situations since they had better psychological health, were better suited for various jobs and tasks.

Last modified: Tuesday, 13 March 2012, 10:38 AM