Promising Issues In The Commercial Interiors

Commercial Interior Space Designing-II 4(1+3)

Lesson 2:Commercial Buildings & Interior Space Design

Promising Issues In The Commercial Interiors

Changing lifestyles and technological advancement has brought in greater change in the commercial business environment, thus inducing the interior design professionals to help clients adapt to change. Thus, the designer needs to be knowledgeable of the customer's business needs, competition, and values.

  • Importance of ergo-friendly work station design and its influence on worker productivity is realized by all. Private sector corporations are using workplace design to attract and retain a talented, high performing workforce.

  • Energy conservation is a goal for government agencies and others to reduce negative impact on the natural environment by the built environment. Sustainability is driving design decisions more frequently.
  • The cost of moving associates is reduced with flexible work environments. It requires less work downtime, and reduces first cost.
  • The consideration of life-cycle costing versus first-time costs can enhance user satisfaction, and reduce costs over the long term while providing a more productive work environment.
  • Balancing the demographics of the workspace is challenging. Preparing for the departure of the baby boomers is daunting. Addressing the motivations and work habits of the new generation is critical. There are a minimum of four generations in the workforce with diverse motivations and drivers.
  • Image and branding workspace expresses the principles of an organization and creates opportunities of dedication and connectivity of its associates. This is also a tool to attract and retain talent (e.g., cities are positioning to attract young professionals in order to revive the local brain trusts and economies).
  • Population growth and education levels are rising faster in emerging economies than in established ones, thus shifting labor pools.
  • Ease of mobility and other demographic forces are creating new worker demands for quality of life improvements that intelligent employers can leverage to attract and retain high performing employees.
  • Flattening the levels of an organization increases communication speed.
  • Increased market competition is amplifying the need for and advantages of differentiation, innovation, and strategic direction. The workplace properly designed can increase and reward strategic and innovative ideas.

Last modified: Monday, 19 December 2011, 5:48 AM