Openings for doors, windows, cupboards etc, in the walls are essential. These openings must be bridged over by some means to support the superimposed masonry. Therefore the support to the load above the opening is given by providing a lintel. The purpose of lintel is to support the loads of the portion of the wall situated above the openings and then transmit the load to the adjacent wall portions (jambs) over which these are supported. The amount of bearing which the support provides for the ends of lintel is an important factor. As a general rule the bearing of a lintel at its end should be 10 cm (depth of one brick) or 3.8 cm for every 30 cm of span, whichever is greater.
Thus, a lintel is a horizontal structural supporting member and a sort of beam, the width of which is equal to the width of the wall, and the ends of which are built into the wall. Lintels are simple and easy to construct. These may be constructed with wood, stone, brick either plain or reinforced, RCC and steel. At present, lintels of RCC are widely used to span the opening for doors, windows, etc in a structure.