
Family Economics And Consumer Education 3 (2+1)

Lesson 19 : Consumer Education


Consumer lack awareness about the process evaluation. They lack knowledge about the distinction between the real and deceptive, the pure and the adulterated.
Indian consumers are misguided and miss informed. The position is continued despite state legislation to protect them from unfair trade practices, Hence Indian consumers need to be protected. There is need for comprehensive programmes of consumer education.
Consumer is confronted with given price and a given income. The consumer is said to attain equilibrium when he has allocated his expenditure so that every single good is bringing him marginal utility maximization would always try to reach the highest attainable permitted by his budget line.
The buying practices of majority of the consumers present unfortunately a very unsatisfactory picture. They lack the basic economic knowledge regarding the market & their role as consumers in affecting price and the working of the economic system. Basically they lack knowledge of sources of reliable information. Also they care less in buying habit.
Many consumers show poor buymanship because he/she is careless. Ex: Clearance sale may tempt the consumer and he/ she buy articles that are not urgently needed. Carelessness may be exhibited in not checking the bill and other details.
Lack of Organization :
Consumers face problems such as adulteration and false weights when they go to buy an item. Consumers do not take advantage of the aid of consumer associations and agencies. So lack of organization among consumers is a prime reason why traders are able to get away with such malpractices.

Last modified: Wednesday, 4 April 2012, 7:15 AM