An voluntary consumer organization registered under societies Registration Act 1860 or companies Act 1956 or under any other law in force.
The State Government or Union Territory Administration
WHAT CONSTITUTES A COMPLAINT? A complaint under consumer protection Act means any allegation in writing made by a complaint in regard to one or more of the following.
that he has suffered loss or damage as a result of any unfair trade practices adopted by any trader.
That the goods mentioned in the complaint suffer from one or more defect.
That services mentioned in the complaint suffer from defience in any respect.
That a trader charged for the goods mentioned in the complaint a price in excess of the MRP. Services include even those provided by the Government like telephone, posts etc.
The consumer can move either the
District Forum or
The State commission or
The National commission.
If the cost of goods and services and compensation asked for is less than Rs 5 lakh District forum is to be moved.
If the cost is more than Rs 5 lakhs but less than Rs 20 lakhs complaints can be filed before State commissioner.
National Commission shall deal appeals arising from decisions of state commission.
HOW TO FILE COMPLAINT The procedure for filing complaints for redressal is
No fee for filing complaints before the District forum, the state commission or National Commission.
The complaint or his authorised agent can also present the complaint in person or send it by post.
A copy of complaint may also be sent to same active voluntary consumer organization.