A guide to wise buying is given in the following figure
Family Economics And Consumer Education 3 (2+1)
Lesson 26 : Buying Practices
A guide to wise buying is given in the following figure
Wise Buying Practice
The consumer has to select the article which will satisfy his/family wants. He needs adequate information about the availability of the article and its quality etc. Hence has to gather information about the market offering through;
Testing and
Inspection: Is possible through visiting shops/stores in the market and find out the facts about the color, shape, size, design etc of the article. Test And Trial : is not possible in case of some articles. However testing and trails before deciding to buy regularly can be done only through buying and using the articles and then choose the one which satisfies his or her family’s requirement. Guidr lines While deciding To Buy
Decide what you need
Decide on the quantity that will be sufficient and prepare the order of priority.
Go to the store and ask for what you need. If it is not available ask for a substitute.
Evaluate the product suggested by the seller by looking for brand name, price, trade mark etc.
Buy perishable goods if they are seasonal.
Buy non perishable goods in quantity.
Prefer to buy products with quality certification marks
When to Buy
Consumer should buy an article only when he needs it.
He should buy when it is convenient for him to buy
Convenience of buying depends on the easy availability of the goods from the stores when he needs it.
Postponing of buying is helpful in avoiding spoilage of goods and it may be suitable when change in consumer needs and fashion change.
Disadvantages of buying based on needs There are certain disadvantages when purchases are at the time of need
The consumer (buyer) may pay more when he buys at the time of need
He may not find what he exactly wants
The seller may charge more for his storage of goods
Buying goods in advance-Advantages
Buying goods in advance is useful
When the future needs are determined
When prices are likely to rise in future
When the quality of goods is higher presently
When there is adequate storage space
When there is an offer of reduced rate
Buying during seasons and off seasons Some goods are costly during some seasons like the price of refrigerator during summer. Hence such goods should be brought during off season. However some goods are cheap during some season as they are available during those seasons. In some cases newly introduced goods are costly. Hence it is better to wait for some time and buy when the prices come down.