Other Major Groups Of Consumer Aids Are As Follows

Family Economics And Consumer Education 3 (2+1)

Lesson 27 : Sources of Information to Consumer

Other Major Groups Of Consumer Aids Are As Follows

Product safety
Products used by consumers must be safe for his health such as food items. Further an appliance should protect consumer from shocks, fire or other kinds of accidents.
Government has set up certain recognizable marks of quality which manufacturers can obtain for certifying their products.
Certification schemes are voluntary and are carried out on request from manufacturers. Producers desiring to get their products marked for quality have to subject their manufacturing processes, equipment and products to stringent tests of quality which includes product safety.
The testing is carried out in authorized laboratories. The products have to pass the tests subsequently they are permitted to be marked or certified as being of the accepted quality.( For more information refer Standardization chapter).

Consumer protection can be achieved if there is an infrastructure legally established to enforce on producers and manufacturers competence of the standards laid down for safe products. Government has now proposed setting up of national Quality Control Council for application of global standards in Indian industries. Department of Electronics has set up a fullfledged standardization, testing and quality control. Directorate with 23 laboratories.
Guarantee and warrantee are an assurance of the quality and of the service often with a promise of reimbursement or an exchange or replacement. Both terms are interchangeable, both are synonymous. In practice a guarantee generally covers certain parts and related cost, while warranty covers only change of defective part. A warranty is a specific promise made by the manufacturer or retailer concerning quality condition, performance etc.
Company products are sold by retail out lets. They sell both quality as well as inferior products. Retailers however do not guarantee or stand by the guarantee of the manufacturers. In such cases the consumer should avail of the services given by the manufacturers.
Consumer can get protection under the stationary provisions. Government has enacted many laws for this purpose. Consumer can avail these provisions and also take help of consumer organization. These two aspects have been explained in separate chapters in the book.
Consumer education:

Most important aid to any consumer is education which would prepare him to use all these aids to solve his problems. The consumer has to avail of the various agencies both government and voluntary.
Consumer service:

Various government and voluntary organizations have been working for the consumer interest. They have laid down guidelines for maintaining safety, quality and prices of products and services. These organizations help consumers in many ways viz
  1. Providing information about the products and the market.
  2. Buying from manufacturers and selling them to consumers at reasonable prices.
  3. Testing products in markets for defects.
  4. Representing consumers in consumer courts for purpose of redressel.
  5. Helping consumer movement in a better and more organized manner.
  6. Marking efforts to influence and guide the policies of the Government on issues concerning consumer interests.

There are about 600 consumer organizations in India working for the cause of consumers. There is the Confederation of Indian Consumer Organization (CICO) formed by large number of consumer organization for the interest of consumers.

Thus there are options for Indian Consumers in selecting appropriate tools and techniques as aids.
Last modified: Saturday, 7 April 2012, 9:11 AM