Using environmental calendar of activities

Lesson 29: Environmental protection acts

Using environmental calendar of activities

There are several days of special environmental significance, which can be celebrated in the community and can be used creating environmental awareness.
  1. February 2: world wetland day is celebrated to create awareness about wetlands and their value to mankind.
  2. March 21: world forestry day can be used to initiate a public awareness campaign about the extremely rapid disappearance of our forests.
  3. April 7: world health day: the world health organization (WHO) came into existence on this day in 1948.
  4. April 18: world heritage day can be used to arrange a visit to a local fort or museum.
  5. April 22: earth day was first celebrated in 1970 by a group of people in the USA to draw attention to increasing environmental problems caused by humans on earth.
  6. June 5: world environment day marks the anniversary of the Stockholm conference on human environment in Sweden in 1972, where nation of the world gathered to share their concern over human progress at the expense of the environment.
  7. June 11: World population day is a day when the vital link between population and environment could be discussed in seminars held at college and other NGO’s.
    1. And other important days are:-
    2. August 6: Hiroshima day
    3. September 16: world ozone day
    4. September 28 green consumer day
    5. October 1-7 wild life week
Last modified: Friday, 6 January 2012, 5:28 AM