Types Of Interiors

Lesson 2: Functional Needs and Interiors Types

Types Of Interiors

The types of buildings used for housing range from detached single family dwellings to high rise-apartment homes. The types are dictated by planning considerations such as type of occupancy, economics and needs. Housing types can be divided into the following categories.

  1. Single - family detached - those located on a separate and independent plot.
  2. Two- family and row houses - those that have two or more housing units in a group
  3. Apartments
  4. Low and high rise apartments

No one type of housing is superior to other . Each has it's use. Interior for special needs can be accommodated in any of the above types of housing, but the important should be given to independent living.

Legal provisions

Since independence the GOI has been paying considerable attention to the problems of the disabled persons. The issue of barrier ­free environment has been discussed is various at national and international levels. The adoption of standard rules for equalization of opportunities for people with special needs and declaration of 1993-2002 as the 'Decade for the disable by ESCAP for Asia- Pacific Region are of special relevance. Their declaration to which India is also a signatory has strengthened the process of creating barrier -free environments. The ESCAP has formulated guidelines for 'Promotion on Non-handicapping Environment for disabled and elderly persons is Asia & Pacific region' covering planning and building design issues, access policy provision, legislation and promotion of public awareness to improve access. Bureau of Indian Standards have published a Code (IS -4563-1987) on "Buildings and facilities for the physically Handicapped" as a guide to create circumstances environment and conditions of work suitable to those who are physically handicapped by making all buildings and facilities aged by the public, accessible to & have also been incorporated in the National Building Code of India 1983, brought out by Bureau of Indian Standards as a model for construction agencies. NB Code contains special requirements for planning of public buildings meant for use of physically handicapped.

The government of India also enacted an Act known as "the persons with disabilities (equal opportunities, protection of rights & full participation) Act "1995: The act provides for easy access to persons with disabilities in various transport facilities roads, pavements and also in the built environment for persons with disability and to make special provisions for the integration of persons with disabilities into the social mainstream. Provisions have been made is their act for ramps in public buildings, adaptation of toilets for wheel chair users Braille symbols and auditory signals in elevators.

Efforts are being initiated for making environments barrier free but a lot remains to be done. The handicapped and elderly persons comprising about 8 to 10 % total population do not feel comfortable and are strained while accessing.

The international symbol of access adopted in international in 1969 with World Congress of Rehabilitation of the disabled. The symbol indicating that a building or facility intended for public use is accessible to the wheelchair and black & white as dark blue & white

      Speech & hearing handicapped
      Visually impaired
      Physically handicapped

Last modified: Friday, 6 July 2012, 8:33 AM