Functional Needs

Lesson 2: Functional Needs and Interiors Types

Functional Needs

The design and planning of living units should have a workable human centeric basis and provision should be made for the essential needs of people for space, light, food, water, sleep, safety, sanitation, comfort, companions ship and Serenity.

Space needs for special needs should be determined by the functions of daily living of the people with special needs and also to accommodate appropriate furniture or equipment for each habitable room

Room relationships:
The arrangements of the rooms should show a proper relation of one to the other and provide reasonable privacy by

  1. locating exterior opening is relate to exterior and interior conditions
  2. having bathroom accessible from bedrooms & other habitable rooms

Circulation pattern :
The circular pattern throughout a living unit should function satisfactorily. The house should have a convenient relationship to outdoor areas.

Habitable rooms :
The room height should be such that the person can move about comfortably as per the building codes and standards. The criteria for the amount of space to be provided in habitable rooms of a living unit should be based on the furniture, furniture sizes, human anthropometry and requirements of special needs.

The functional needs is an interiors are as follows

  1. Basic Activities
    • Walking between two high walls (space adequate for both men & women)
    • Two people passing (twice the space for one person to walk between two high walls)
    • Walking between high wall and 30" high table (space adequate for both men & women)
    • Walking with elbows extended (space adequate for both men & women)
    • Kneeling on one knee
    • Bending at right angle
  2. Elemental Activities in Kitchen/ Toilet
    • Space between walls for a wash basin
    • Space in front of a wash basin and walls
    • Space required for a wall closet
    • Space in front of a water closet and a wall
    • Space under and over the counters in the kitchen
  3. Recommended Clearancesin drawing/dining areas
    • Access behind a chair
    • Access between a table and wall
    • Access between a chair and wall
    • Access between a table and cabinets a appliances
  4. Special requirements
    • Men & women on crutches
    • Visually impaired man with guide dog
    • Visually impaired person with long care
    • Person on a wheel chair
Last modified: Friday, 6 July 2012, 8:27 AM