Lighting and Illumination

Lesson 27 : Functional Interior Options - Independent Living / Retirement Homes

Lighting and Illumination

Another factor in the retirement home environment that may contribute to unhappiness among the elderly is illumination levels. Soft glowing lights create a pleasant atmosphere for those of us unaffected by vision deterioration, but for most of the residents, the low level of light can lead to a frustrating battle for clarity. Due to the normal aging process, the lens in our eye becomes less able to accommodate and focus on objects in dimly lit surroundings. This makes it more difficult to do everyday tasks like read the newspaper, watch television, or write a letter. Problems with lighting can cause anything from discomfort glare, which is a distracting glare that interferes with the physiological processes used in perception, to veiling reflections, which occurs when the light partially or totally interferes with details by reducing contrast. Often, problems with vision are a constant reminder of an aging body, and in many adults this is not a smooth or joyful process and can lead to depressive feelings. By providing appropriately lit surroundings, we might lessen the awareness of vision problems and aid in a decrease of depressive feelings about old age. The best type of lighting to use would be a full-spectrum light that is able to resemble natural sunlight. Not only would this type of lighting aid those residents suffering from presbyopic symptoms but it also has been found to help regulate several physiological processes like Vitamin D3 synthesis and cardiovascular regulation. Hopefully, having an adequate light source would help the aging to feel younger and lessen the negative feelings about growing old. Additionally, brighter lights make bright colors even brighter which could bring some color back into their world.

Last modified: Wednesday, 19 October 2011, 8:48 AM