
Furniture and Furnishings 3(1+2)

Lesson 16 : Furniture Requirement For People With Special Needs


Human body dimensions have an impact on the design of the interior spaces. These dimensions can be structural (measurements of he head, torso and limbs in standard positions) and functional (measurements taken in working positions or during the movement associated with certain tasks). Dimensional data varies from one person to another and the average dimensions vary from one country to another. The dimensions of the individual human being vary with time. We are all physically disabled at some time in our lives. A child, a person with a broken leg, a parent with a pram, an elderly person, etc. are all disabled in one way or another. Those who remain healthy and able-bodied all their lives are few. As far as the built-up environment is concerned, it is important that it should be barrier-free and adapted to fulfill the needs of all people equally. A design term ‘Accessibility’ is used since 1950 to describe elements of the physical environment that can be used for the people with disabilities.

Minimum Access Provisions Recommended in Various Types of Buildings

S.No. Type of Building Minimum Provisions
1. Single detached, single dwelling units A minimum of 2 per cent of the total number of units to be constructed with barrier-free features.(adaptable units)
2. Staff housing, multiple dwelling and high rise residential units and tenements A min of 1 unit for every 25, plus 1 additional unit for every 100 units thereafter. Entrances and exits to be accessible.>

Tenement houses, row houses, apartments and town houses

A minimum of 1 unit for up to 150 units and a minimum of 1 additional unit for every 100 units thereafter to be accessible.
4. Post offices, banks and financial service institutions A minimum of 1 lowered service counter on the premises. A minimum of 1 lowered automatic teller machine (ATM) / cash disbursements point on the premises. Stamp vending machine
5. Shop houses and single – storey shops Accessible shopping area
6. Places of worship Entrances and exits and main area of worship to be accessible. Mosques: access to area for ablutions; churches: access to confessionals, fonts and chapels; Temples: Access to shrines and courtyards
7. Food Centers A minimum of 1 table without stools or seats attached to the floor for eve5ry 10 tables. A minimum of 2 tables without stools or seats attached to the floor for the whole premises. Accessible entrance.
8. Community centers, village halls, auditoria, concert halls, assembly halls, cinema theatres and other places of public assembly Accessible entrances, exists, aisles and main community or public gathering areas, assessable toilet facilities should be nearby. Seating for persons with disabilities to be accessible from main entrances and lobbies. Various seating/ viewing choice to be provided for person in wheelchairs throughout the main seating. A minimum of 4 wheel chair spaces for seating capacity from over 10 to 400 seats.
Last modified: Wednesday, 21 March 2012, 11:29 AM